Encrypt your links and protect the users from Internet bots, crawlers and scrappers etc! Makes your links safe to visit for your users.

Basics Of Link Encryption Explained

Web Link Encryptor is a Safelink Generator that protects your link from internet bots, crawlers, and scrappers making it safe and secure for users to access the links.


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No Tracking Of Links

We also don't track any of your links. So your links remain secret even to us.

Automatic Navigation

After clicking the encrypted links your users are automatically taken to the original link after a few seconds. Users won't be confused while navigating. Ads are less intrusive.

Adblocker Safe

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Blog Article

Basics Of Link Encryption Explained

Basically, Encryption is the process of encoding information into an unreadable format so only intended users can decode it.

Link Encryption

Link encryption is therefore a process of ensuring data security by encrypting information at the data link level while it is being transmitted between two points in a network.

Link Encryption is done automatically at the points in the network and there are fewer chances of error.

How encryption works? Data in plaintext format stored on the host server is encrypted when it leaves the host, decrypted at the next link. The link can be another host or a relay point and then re-encrypted before it is transmitted to the next link. Each link uses a different encryption key and the process is repeated until the data has reached the recipient.

The link encryption process protects the data in transit, This is very useful in situations where the transmission lines are not secure. As the data is encrypted and decrypted at every link, there are chances that it can be compromised on the host that may not be secure. If all the links are secured then it is almost impossible to breach and security is assured.

Link encryption has successfully used within organizations and military establishments where all the links are completely secured. It is may not be feasible on the internet if the links are not secure.

Link encryption can also be used with end-to-end systems by employing complex encryption algorithms.

In end-to-end encryption, the information, excluding the header/routing information, is encrypted by the transmitter at the point of origin and could only be decrypted by the intended recipient.

When end-to-end encryption employed, only the communicating users can read the information. This helps in preventing security issues such as eavesdropping by telecoms, ISPs, and even the company operating the communication cannot access the information.

In end-to-end encryption, only the intended recipient is able to access the unencrypted information using cryptographic keys.

Data encryption works by using algorithms to scramble data. 

The benefits of Data encryption is it helps meet regulatory compliance and ensures data security and customer trust.

How does link encryption work?

We all must have come across cryptic questions in games and competitive exams where the data is masked to prevent being understood.

In a similar way, Cryptographic techniques are used in various industries as well. One of the applications is encryption, which helps organizations safeguard their data from hackers or unintended recipients.

Symmetric vs. asymmetric encryption

In Symmetric encryption single key is used to encrypt as well as decrypt the data. This key is shared with all intended recipients. In Asymmetric encryption, two separate keys called the public and private keys are used. The public key is shared with everyone to encrypt and private known only to its creator is used to decrypt the information. In this way, everyone can encrypt data but only the intended recipient can decrypt it.

Common encryption methods

Different encryption methods use different types of keys. 

1. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Advanced Encryption Standard is a symmetric encryption algorithm that encrypts fixed blocks of data at a time. The keys used to decipher the text can be either 128, 192, or 256-bit long. The 256-bit version is the most secure. The data under AES is encrypted in a number of rounds. AES encryption is a widely used encryption method today.

2. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

RSA is an asymmetric encryption algorithm. It is based on the factorization of the product of two prime numbers. RSA is primarily used in digitally signing the documents.

3. Triple Data Encryption Standard (TripleDES)

Triple Data Encryption Standard is symmetric encryption with a key length of 56 bits. TripleDES algorithm encrypts the data in each block thrice. This encryption method used for ATM Pins and sensitive passwords.

4. Twofish

Twofish encryption encrypts using 128 bits of data blocks. It is the newer version of Blowfish encryption which used 64 bits blocks of data. Regardless of the key size used two fish will encrypt data in 16 rounds. It is a bit slower as compared to AES encryption but is widely used in file encryption. It provides excellent security to the encrypted data.


Link-layer encryption is the best way to ensure data security and works independently from network protocols at the lower network layer. This facilitates high-speed data transmission. Link encryption prevents man in the middle (MIM) attacks by preventing interception of information by hackers.

